Retrieving Adobe SiteCatalyst data with R

Adobe SiteCatalyst (part of Adobe Analytics) is a nicely comprehensive tool for tracking user interactions upon one’s website, app and more. However, in the past I’ve had a fair amount of trouble de-siloing its potentially immensely useful data into external tools, such that I could connect, link and process it for insights over and above those you can get within the default web tool (which, to be fair, is itself improving over time).

I’ve written in the past about my happiness when Alteryx released a data connector allowing one to access Sitecatalyst data from inside their own tool. That’s still great, but the tool is necessarily constrained to the specific tasks the creator designed it to do, and subject to the same API limits as everyone else is. I have no doubt that there are ways and means to get around that in Alteryx (after all, it speaks R). But sometimes, when trying to automate operations, coding in something like might actually be easier…or at least cheaper!

With that in mind, after having a recent requirement to analyse web browsing data at a individual customer level, I successfully experimented with the awesome RSiteCatalyst package, and have some notes below as to the method which worked well for me.

Note that RSiteCatalyst is naturally subject to the usual Adobe API limits – the main one that causes me sadness being the inability to retrieve over 50k rows at a time – but, due to the incessant flexibility of R and the comprehensiveness of this package, I’ve not encountered a problem I couldn’t solve just yet.

So, how to set up?

Install the RSiteCatalyst package

First, open up R, or your favourite R environment, and install the RSiteCatalyst package (the first time you use it) or load the library (each new session).

if(!require(RSiteCatalyst)) install.packages("RSiteCatalyst")

Log in to your SiteCatalyst account

You next need to authenticate against your Adobe Sitecatalyst installation, using the SCAuth function. There’s an old way involving a shared secret, and a new way using OAuth. The latter is to be preferred, but at the time I first looked at it there seemed to be a web service issue that prevented the OAuth process completing. At the moment then, I can confirm that the old method still works!

 key <- "username:company>"
 secret <- " >"
 SCAuth(key, secret)


Retrieve metadata about your installation

Once you’re in, there’s a plethora of commands to retrieve useful metadata, and then to run and retrieve various types of report data. For several such commands, you’ll need to know the ID of the Adobe Report Suite concerned, which is fortunately as easy as:

suites <- GetReportSuites()

whereby you’ll receive a dataframe containing all available report suites by title and ID.

If you already know the title of the report suite you’re interested in then you can grab the ID directly with something like:

my.rsid <- suites[suites$site_title=="My favourite website",1]

You can then find out which elements are available within your report suite:

elements.available <- GetElements(my.rsid)

and later on which metrics are available for a given element

metrics.available <- GetMetrics(my.rsid, elements = "<<myFavouriteElement>>")

Retrieve Adobe Analytics report data

There are a few different RSitecatalyst functions you can call, depending on the type of report you’re interested in. In each case they start with “queue”, as what you’re actually doing is submitting a data request to the Sitecatalyst reporting queue.

If your request is pretty quick, you can wait a few seconds and get the results sent back to you immediately in R. If it’s going to take a very long time, you can instead store a report request ID and then use the GetReport function to go back and get it later, once it’s finished.

The current list of queue functions, which are named such that Adobe aficionados will probably be able to guess which type of data they facilitate, is:

  • QueueDataWarehouse
  • QueueFallout
  • QueueOvertime
  • QueuePathing
  • QueueRanked
  • QueueSummary
  • QueueTrended

Here I’ll show just a couple of examples – but the full official documentation for all of them and much more besides is available at Cran.

Firstly, an “over  time” report to get me the daily pageview and visit counts my site received in the first half of 2016.

Here’s how the documentation describes this type of report:

“A QueueOvertime report is a report where the only granularity allowed is time. This report allows for a single report suite, time granularity, multiple metrics, and a single segment”

An example would be a day by day count of total pageviews to your site.

Remember that above we set the variable “my.rsid” to the Report Suite ID of the report suite I am looking at. So:

dailyStats <- QueueOvertime(my.rsid,
                            date.from = "2016-01-01",
                   = "2016-06-30",
                            metrics = c("pageviews","visits"),
                            date.granularity = "day"

The parameters are fairly self-evident, especially in combination with the documentation. There are many more available, including the ability to isolate by segment and to forecast data.

Your site will probably have some different metrics available to mine, depending on how the Adobe admin set it up, but the basics like page views and visits should be accessible pretty much anywhere.

What you’ll get back with the above command, i.e. the contents of the dailyStats variable after it has run, is a dataframe in this sort of format:

datetime name year month day pageviews visits
01/01/2016 Fri. 1 Jan. 2016 2016 1 1 100 75
02/01/2016 Sat. 2 Jan. 2016 2016 1 2 200 150
03/01/2016 Sun. 3 Jan. 2016 2016 1 3 250 180

Which you can then go on to process as you would any other such snippet of data in R.

My second, slightly more complex, example concerns the QueueRanked function. It’s described like this:

A QueueRanked report is a report that shows the ranking of values for one or more elements relative to a metric, aggregated over the time period selected.

That’s a bit more vague, but was useful to me in my original goal of identifying specifically which customers logged into my website in December, and how many times they visited.

A key feature of this function is that you can ask for the results from rank [x] to rank [y], instead of just the top [n].

This is super-useful where, like I did,  you expect to get over 50k rows. 50k is maximum row limit you can retrieve in one request via the Adobe API, which this R package uses. But R is full of the typical program language features like loops, thus allowing one to iterate through the commands to retrieve for instance results 1-50,000, then results 50,001 -100,000, then 100,001 – 150,000 and so on.

So, I built a loop that would generate these “ranked reports”, starting at row ‘i’ and giving me the next ‘count.step’ records, where count.step = 50000, the maximum I’m allowed to retrieve in one go.

Thus, I’d call the function repeatedly, each time asking for the next 50,000 records. At some point, when there were no more customers to download, I’d get a blank report sent back to me. At that point, I know I have everything so quit the loop.

I wanted to retrieve the ID of the customer using the website, which in my setup is stored in an custom element called “prop1”. All that sort of detail is controlled by your Adobe Sitecatalyst administrator, should you have exactly the same sort of requirement as I did – so best go ask them which element to look in, as there’s no real chance your setup is identical to mine at that level.

Nonetheless, the code pattern below could likely be used without much modification in order to iterate through any SiteCatalyst data that exceeds the API row limits.


count.limit <- 500000 #the max number of records we're interested in
count.step <- 50000 #how many records to retrieve per request, must not exceed 50k
count.start <- 1 #which record number to start with
CustomerList <- NULL #a variable to store the results in
fromDate <- "2016-12-01"
toDate <- "2016-12-31"

for(i in seq(1, count.limit, by = count.step)) {
  print(paste("Requesting rows",i, "through", i + count.step - 1))

  tempCustomerList <- QueueRanked(my.rsid,
                          date.from = fromDate,
                 = toDate,
                          metrics = "visits",
                          elements = "prop1",
                          top = count.step,
                          start = i

  if  (nrow(tempCustomerList) == 0 ) {   # no more rows were returned - presumably we have them all now
    print("Last batch had no rows, exiting loop")
  tempCustomerList$batch.start.row <- i

  CustomerList <- rbind(customerList, tempCustomerList)



After running this, you should end up with a “CustomerList” dataframe that looks something like this, where “name” is the value of prop1, in my case the customer ID:

name url visits batch.start.row
ID123 10 1
ID234 5 1

which, again, you can process as though it was any standard type of R data.

2 thoughts on “Retrieving Adobe SiteCatalyst data with R

  1. I am trying to explore RSiteCatalyst package to retrieve some regular reports we use. There are Test&Target variables (dimensions) integrated in SiteCatalyst which do not appear as a part of elements/props using this package. Is there any way to get these dimensions fetched using R?


  2. Hi ,
    I have been able to setup the connection of Adobe on R and also able to fetch data.

    However, there are some discrepancies in data being produced in R and what is being shown in Adobe web platform.

    It is quite unusual. Any thoughts ? What could be the reason for this?



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